*** SOLD OUT *** FMT Mobility Specialist -live webcast - March 10, 2024

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FMT Mobility Specialist Course is an evidence-informed self-myofascial rolling course that advances students’ understanding of mobility techniques for their patient’s and client’s needs.  FMT Mobility Specialist offers a practical framework and a systematic approach for determining why, how, when and where to roll for movement preparation, movement recovery or pain relief. Assessment systems will be presented examining concepts of joint by joint mobility, stability and fascial integrity. These systems will be utilized to direct fun and innovative lab experiences throughout the course. 


FMT Mobility Specialist methodically integrates a review of the current literature and demonstrates the science behind rolling for improved rehabilitation or performance outcomes. Current concepts such as rolling with percussion/vibration will be explored with innovative solutions provided for common movement, performance and recovery challenges.  


This course is intended for health and fitness professionals with all levels of prior self-myofascial rolling experience. All supplies needed for the course and lab experiences are provided. 


Functional Movement Training (FMT) Certification courses are taught by industry leading experts in movement assessment, performance and rehabilitation. CEUs may be offered for DC, ATC, PT, LMTs, LAc, OTs , Kins and personal trainers – depending on location and class type. Please click on the date/location you are interested in attending to view complete CEU offering for that course. 



  • Saturday March 10, 2023  7am-2pm PST, 8am-3pm MT, 9am-4pm CST, 10am-5pm EST, 11am-6pm AST, 11:30AM-6:30 PM NT


Virtual Classroom (we will send course link when we get closer to the course)

What do I need to attend a virtual classroom?

  • The supplies we ship to you after you have registered
  • A desktop, laptop, tablet or phone
  • Headphones
  • Reliable WIFI (>14Mbps-preferable more than 100)
  • Products(Foam roller, Massage Ball, MB Vibe)
  • Course Administrator Contact




  • Early Bird Discount - use code "VJ9I53460NIF" at checkout for 10% off until February 10, 2024.
  • 15% Student Discount - discount is available for current fulltime students. Email a copy of your current student ID (must show a year) or class registration to student@rocktape.com

Must Register By:  The Friday the week before the course 

FMT Mobility Specialist include Grid Foam roller, 2 massage balls, MB Vibe (vibration roller) and a digital course manual 

25% fee for registration cancellations made less than 5 days before scheduled class date.



CEUs may be offered for DC, ATC, PT, LMT’s RMT’s Lac, Ots, Kins  and personal trainers and more - depending on province, field and class type. As CEU accreditation varies from province and per governing bodies or associations we recommend you contact your local/ national governing body to validate or email Julia Mitchell Education Coordinator caeducation@4implus.com for guidance. FMT Certifications are intended for healthcare professionals, therapists and fitness professionals with all levels of experience with soft tissues techniques. 



FMT Mobility Specialist-

8AM – 3PM 

Hour One  

Welcome & introduction of instructor and course participants  

Overview of outline of the course; introduction of topics that will be covered as well as description of practical lab experience and presentation of case studies. 

What is FMT? Functional Movement Training  


History of Self-Myofascial Release (Ch 1)  

Past and future rolling techniques, trends and movements  

Typical settings where students may have previously seen use of Self-MFR 

Foam Roller, pre and post workout 

Stick Massager, recovery concepts 

Mobility Ball, trigger point concepts 

Vibrating Foam Roller, enhancing inputs and neurological priming  


New Science of Foam Rolling (Ch 2)  

Neurologic vs Mechanical Effects of Self-Myofascial Rolling  

Rolling concepts of influence on tissues and brain of person rolling 


The Mechanical Effects (Ch 3) 

Mechanical Effects of Self-Myofascial Release techniques  

Shear and Compression Mechanics of skin and underlying tissues 

Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Tutorial and demonstration 

Differentiating Densification vs Fibrosis Tissue Restrictions 

Debunking myths of breaking up fascia, research review  


The Neurologic Effects (Ch 4)  

Neurophysiological Effects Self-Myofascial Rolling techniques 

Introduction of concept of Body Maps with Clear and Faulty Representations 

Communication channels to the Brain via Skin and Fascia 

Review of Touch Science and its role in foam rolling 


Psychosocial Effects (Ch 5) 

Using MFR as a layer in treatment variability to produce varied psychosocial effects 


Review of Equipment (Ch 6) 

Rollers: equipment specs, typical rolling approach, unique rolling techniques 

Mobility Balls: equipment specs, typical rolling approach, unique rolling techniques 

Mobility Sticks: equipment specs, typical rolling approach, unique rolling techniques 

Vibration: equipment specs, typical rolling approach, unique rolling techniques 


Hour Two 

Safety with Self-MFR (Ch 7)  

Reducing risks involved in self-myofascial release (foam roller, sticks, balls)  

Relative and Absolute Contraindications to Foam Rolling 


The FMT System (Ch 8) 

Technical and Practical Approach to Rolling Techniques 

How, Why, Where, Application and Performance Considerations 

How to Roll methodology and technique  

Why to Roll, indications and philosophy 

Where to Roll, Joint by Joint and Fascial Chain Systems 


How We Roll (Ch 9) 

How Variables 

Depth Parameters to consider when rolling  

Duration Parameters to consider when rolling 

Rate Parameters to consider when rolling 

Research Influence on How Technique 


Why and When We Roll (Ch 10) 

Why and When Variables 

Movement Preparation (Pre-activity) Tech Specs 

Movement Recovery (Post-activity) Tech Specs 

Pain Management Rolling Tech Specs 

Research Influence on Why Technique 


Where We Roll (Ch 11) 

Where Variables 

Location Approaches 

Joint by Joint Mobility (Ch 12) 

Joint by Joint Stability (Ch 13) 

Fascial Chain System (Ch 14) 

Rolling the Person, psychosocial and affective technique considerations 

Research Influence on Where Technique 


10 min break 


Hour Three 

Joint by Joint Mobility Rolling (Ch 12)  

Screen, Techniques, Re-Screen System 

Research Update on Mobility Concepts  

Introducing Vibration for Mobility Concepts  

Mobility Intervention Tactics  

Lower Limb Region 

Upper Limb Region 

Neck Region 


Hour Four 

Joint by Joint Stability Rolling (Ch 13) 

Screen, Techniques, Re-Screen System 

Research Update on Stability Concepts  

Feeling Tight, Mechanical or Neuro-Defense Concepts  

Stability Intervention Tactics  

Base of Support Planar Challenges 

Vibration Reaction Challenges 

Scapular, Midline and Knee Zones 


Lunch Break 


Hour Five  

Fascial Chain Rolling System (Ch 14) 

Fascial Chain Anatomy 

Skin and Fascial Interface and Its effects on movement  

How to Screen Fascial Chains  

Posterior Chain, Screen, Techniques, Re-Screen 

 Lateral Chain, Screen, Techniques, Re-Screen 

Functional Chain, Screen, Techniques, Re-Screen 

Arm Chain, Screen, Techniques, Re-Screen 


Hour Six  

Augmented Movement  (Ch 15) 

Augmented Rolling with Vibration 

Literature Review on Performance and Foam Rolling 

Performance Indicators, Strength, Flexibility, Sprint, Jump 

Mobility Stack Techniques and lab experience, with instructor feedback 

Stability Stack Techniques and lab experience, with instructor feedback 

Performance Stack Techniques and lab experience, with instructor feedback 

Corrective Tactics 

Base of Support Tactics, Reaction and Balance Tactics, Functional Performance  










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